Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Chess In Schools care for Trees in Streets!
Saturday, Nov 29 Chess in Schools participants volunteered their time to care for many young NYC street trees. Street trees need the most care during the first five years of being planted. The volunteers removed liter, weeded and loosened the soil. Many street tree beds are very compact due to foot traffic. Extreme soil compaction causes the water to runoff the tree bed instead of being absorbed. Although it was a chilly morning the volunteers worked without complaint. Many neighbors stopped by and took a look at the great work the teens were doing. Many trees in Astoria benefited from the teens' hard work and dedication to the community.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014
The Green Teens visited the Sims Municipal Recycling Plant in Brooklyn last Saturday. During the visit, the Green Teens were taught what happens to recyclables after they reach the recycling plant. The Green Teens received a tour of the plant including the different machines which sort the recyclables. They learned half of the recyclables are still being thrown in the trash which ends up in landfills. After the tour the Green Teens completed different fun and educational activities. The activities included spinning the wheel of recycling jobs, sorting through different types of recyclables and watching a magnet seperate ferrrous and non ferrous metals. If you are interested in joining the Green Teens please send an email to
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Trees in Jamaica received care from Build On volunteers. It was a chilly yet sunny afternoon and the volunteers worked quickly and efficiently to care for the trees. The teens cleaned tree beds, weeded and turned the soil. This is a great time to provide tree care before the winter begins. If you are interested in providing tree care in your neighborhood while earning community service credits send an email to

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Street Tree Care in the Morrisania
Students provided some tree care for 13 street trees in the Morrisania section of the Bronx on October 30. Under the direction of the Million Trees Staff 22 Green Teens learned about tree care. Many of the students had no experience gardening and really enjoyed working in nature while still being in the city. Lookout world, these 8th graders are ready to make a big impact.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Lost Battalion Hall's Green Teens
Yesterday October 27, the Lost Battallion Hall's Green Teens spent two hours after school planting in behind LBH. The Green Teens learned about tree care and planted daffodil bulbs for next Spring. The Lost Battalion Hall's Green Teens were a little squeamish about the dirt, worms and squirells but within a few minutes in the soil the squeals began to subside. The Green Teens planted 33 bulbs which they are excited to see how they will turn out next Spring.
Astoria Heights Playground It's My Parks Day 2014
What were you doing at 9am on Sunday, April 26? Were you asleep or home relaxing on that beautiful sunny morning? Well the Green Teens were on their way to the Astoria Heights Playground It's My Park Day. 23 Green Teens worked alongside volunteers planting daffodil bulbs for next Spring. This was the first Green Teens event for the participants of Chess In Schools Org and the Bukharain Youth Services Jewish Child Care Association. It was a splendid day to be outside and working to improve a local park. The neighborhood was very appreciative of all the helpful hands that volunteered. If you are interested in volunteering with the Green Teens please email for more information.
Monday October 20 afterschool, the Sorrentino Green Teens were out caring for and beautifying Far Rockaway. A few dedicated Green Teens arrived to the center ready to tackle a difficult project. The trees a block away from the center had very compact soil. It is not easy being a street tree on a very busy corner in New York City. Many people walk through the tree beds. The soil was very tough but the Green Teens were focused and would not let it deter them. The Sorrentino Green Teens cared for the trees and planted daffodil bulbs hoping the community will not continue to walk in the tree beds. The Sorrentino Green Teens put alot of effort into caring for the young street trees in hopes next Spring the beautiful daffodils will brighten up that busy corner in Far Rockaway. Many neighbors smiled and were thankful for the Green Teens' community service.
Al Oerter Green Teens provide tree care and plant bulbs
On Columbus Day 2014, the Al Oerter Green Teens cared for young street trees near the center.The Green Teens removed weeds and liter in the tree beds. Bulbs were planted and the trees were watered. The Green Teens were very excited to plant daffodil bulbs which will add a splash of color next Spring.
Monday, October 6, 2014
MillionTreesNYC TreeLC Workshop in East Harlem
The Street Trees in East Harlem received some much needed TLC on Saturday September 27.
28 Teens from Build On volunteered thier time and enegy alongside a few Tree Care Captains.
30 trees on Lexington and East 117th and East 118th were weeded, aerated and litter was bagged and removed. Ornamental grass was also planted to remind the community to keep the tree beds clean and free of debris. The teen volunteers from Build On were a wonderful example of enthusiasm and comittment to the environment. If you are interested in being a "Green Teen," please email us at
28 Teens from Build On volunteered thier time and enegy alongside a few Tree Care Captains.
30 trees on Lexington and East 117th and East 118th were weeded, aerated and litter was bagged and removed. Ornamental grass was also planted to remind the community to keep the tree beds clean and free of debris. The teen volunteers from Build On were a wonderful example of enthusiasm and comittment to the environment. If you are interested in being a "Green Teen," please email us at
By Marie Vulcain
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